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Rand Paul appearance aims to boost Kansas Republicans
Sen. Paul to stake out his foreign policy
GOP hopes for 'new' Kris Kobach in Kansas AG race
Kansas Republicans could take action on Kelly's redistricting veto soon
NEW: Rand Paul Wants DEMOCRATS To Help Him Stop Saudi Arms Sale, BERNIE Gets on Board
Candidates in Kansas 3rd Congressional District race make final push to voters
Interview: Rand Paul Says Obama Thinks He Can ‘Act Like a King’
Senator Rand Paul - National Distinguished Service Award 2014
Rand Paul EMBARRASSES Himself In Front Of Dr. Fauci
Campaign Ads: Mitch McConnell and the Spelling Bee
Republicans Can't Defend Their Cruel Graham-Cassidy Health Care Bill: A Closer Look
Kansas Candidates Debate 10-12-16 (Produced by SHPTV)